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You can use any standard screen with an HDMI input. If you want to use the screen (almost) continuously for displays, we recommend devices that are specially designed for continuous use, which have a considerably longer life. You can order professional 24/7 screens from SHARP via our order form as an additional option.

Thanks to its compact size (11.5 cm x 11 cm x 6 cm), you can in most cases mount the player directly behind the screen on the wall. A mounting plate for wall mounting is included in the scope of delivery.

You basically only need two power supply sockets (one for the screen and one for the player). In our displays there are already players integrated in the screens itself, so you just need one socket. If there is not enough WiFi coverage at the deployment location, you will also need a network cable to update your content.

Yes – you only need the Internet connection to change existing content or to add new content. If the connection fails, the last version of your content will continue to be displayed.

The content you design is stored in a private cloud – the WESUAL cloud and automatically transmitted to your display devices. This means you are not bound to any specific location and can make changes in seconds from anywhere in the world. With a capacity of 20 GB, there is ample storage space for your content.

You can decide that for yourself. You can use a touch screen with the CHALKBOARD/BILLBOARD PLAYER so that your content can be scrolled through. You can also use a simple screen that does not allow interaction.

We recommend the following minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7, macOS X 10.9 or later
  • Computers with 2 GB RAM and 2 GHz dual-core CPU
  • 2 GB free hard disc space
  • A LAN or WiFi connection with good signal quality
  • A stable, good broadband Internet connection

No. You pay once and can use your DIGITAL CHALKBOARD or DIGITAL BILLBOARD for an unlimited period of time at no additional cost.

  • Chalkboard or poster player: 2–7 calender days*
  • Chalkboard or poster display stand: 6–8 weeks*
  • Chalkboard or poster wall display: 2 weeks*
  • Chalkboard or poster window display: 2 weeks*

* From receipt of payment

Wall display, window display or display stand

  • Connect your device to a power supply and establish an Internet connection via Wi-Fi or a LAN cable.
  • Install the WESUAL CREATE software on your computer.
  • Start up Wesual CREATE and create content. Your content is automatically transmitted to the player via the WESUAL CLOUD and displayed on the screen.


  • Connect the player to a screen with an HDMI cable and connect to a power supply and then to the Internet via Wi-Fi or a cable.
  • Install the WESUAL CREATE software on your computer.
  • Start up Wesual CREATE and create content. Your content is automatically transmitted to the player via the WESUAL CLOUD and displayed on the screen.

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    * Die Daten, die mit einem Sternchen versehen sind, benötigen wir, um Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten. Weitere Angaben machen Sie auf freiwilliger Basis. Zur Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens verwenden wir die Kommunikationswege, die Sie uns in dem Kontaktformular zur Verfügung stellen. Wenn Sie wissen möchten, wie wir mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten umgehen, können Sie dies in unserer Datenschutzerklärung nachlesen.